Small buyers spend more to get less quality of the things they need e.g. food, housing, healthcare, education/training, etc.
They are at the mercy of distribution and retail forces because their needs are in small quantities. They end up with low productivity at high costs or even waste of money, time, and other resources.
Imagine joining hundreds of other people to buy and share a big truckload of rice or buy the items you need in your small businesses.
Our name, SPPS is Skupaj Poceni Poslovni Sodelavci in Slovenian language, roughly meaning grouping for low-cost business.
You or your small business can order from Split-Buy today at
You immediately become part of a large group of people to split-buy and bring down the costs of high-quality food items for families as well as decent accommodation or housing, inputs for small businesses, family healthcare and education/training… all within your neighbourhood or community.
Our platform is open online 24 hours a day.
All you need do is place your order for items according to your needs.
Integrity, Orderliness and Consistency are the core values of our platform.
The costs of items are negotiated by partner buyers and sellers together, so that we all get value in terms of high quality, at the right price, at the right time, there in our locality.
Isn’t that fantastic?
For more information, contact us.